2 min readDec 5, 2021

How Share To Earn by Crypto Art.Ai is revolutionizing NFT Auctions

CryptoArt.Ai is Asia’s largest decentralized NFT marketplace, offering NFT creation, sale, auctions, collection, and transfer among other services. For potential artists, CryptoArt.Ai has tight guidelines: artists must apply, and only confirmed original authors are permitted to list NFT artworks. Bidding prizes, DeFi + NFT, collaborations, Dao, and other new modules, as well as music, cinema, photography, and other kinds of art, are featured. To foster the expansion of the NFT business, CryptoArt.Ai enlists the help of 100 collectors from around the world.

It has a very regulated onboarding policy that ensures that only original and verified NFT authors can showcase NFT artworks on the marketplace. Interested authors need to apply and their works verified as original and quality artworks by the CryptoArt.Ai council before getting listed on the platform.

The NFT auction marketplace is population mostly by NFT collectors and there is need to explore other secondary markets.

CrytoArt.Ai provides an innovative approach to circulation of NFTs through involvement of a larger audience in other to ensure involvement and acceptability of NFTs by the general population.

Share to earn is a feature on CryptoArt.Ai that ensures anyone can become a part of the auction process.

By inviting bidders through a unique referral link, any user can profit from a bid process if the invitee wins a bid.

If a bidder outbids others, the inviter receives 1% bonus on their bid.

As more people earn passive income from the NFT space, NFT adoption and integration will progress algorithmically.

For more details:

CryptoArt.Ai site:https://cryptoart.ai/



Medium: https://cryptoart-ai.medium.com/


