2 min readDec 31, 2021


4 Important Reasons to Invest in Definer $FIN

$FIN is the native token of DeFiner, a DeFi platform with the goal of providing the global community with trustless, decentralized financial services. Borrowers can receive DeFi loans on their own terms through Definer. It boasts a plethora of features that provide users with seamless and personalized services.

$FIN is a cryptographic token that has been deployed on Ethereum and OkEx using the ERC-20 standard. $FIN Token's contract address is:


DeFiner is leading the DeFi lending space with a total supply of 168,000,000 FIN as more people realize the benefits of owning $FIN.

Owners of the $FIN token receive the following benefits:

Participate in The FINconomy

Finconomy is a term that refers to the advantages of using and owning $FIN.
Finconomy promotes decentralization by rewarding and incentivizing the DeFiner community for supporting and strengthening the DeFiner protocol in order to achieve its mission of trustless decentralization and community governance.
FINconomists benefit from the $FIN by earning high interest rates when depositing FIN into the Definer Savings Market, borrowing stablecoins with $FIN as collateral, and receiving over 400 percent APR for providing liquidity for $FIN.

Proof of Premium (POP)

Through the proof of premium strategy, $FIN owners who contribute to the network's lending capital and collateral are rewarded with a portion of newly mined FIN.

The amount of $FIN earned is determined by the length and value of the assets staked. To avoid market oversaturation due to excessive minting, newly mined $FIN are preprogrammed to strategically decrease over time in a deflationary curve.

Making Money from Distributed Profits

Profits generated by the DeFiner platform's transactions are redistributed to FIN token holders. Transaction fees and interest collected from each loan given out on the platform are the transactions that contribute to the profit pool. Every $FIN holder earns distributed profit in proportion to their FIN holding ratio through an automated profit calculation process. Those who have more $FINbtokens profit more than others.

Right to Vote

DeFiner is committed to its vision of a truly decentralized DeFi DAO-managed system that strengthens governance and ensures that $FIN holders can vote and participate actively in $FIN governance and decision-making.
Decentralized governance is an important component of the DeFiner ecosystem.
When the DAO system is finished and deployed, the $FIN token will represent each holder’s voting rights. Community governance aims to keep the platform dynamic and secure by allowing users to get involved and participate in various levels of platform decision making. Each FIN token will represent one voting right, and users with more FIN will be able to cast more votes.

More information and updates are periodically available at:

Website: www.definer.org

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeFinerOrg

Telegram: https://t.me/DeFiner

Discord: https://discord.gg/vn8UaeFFHK

